Ich wünsche euch allen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! Genießt die Zeit mit euren Liebsten, genießt die leuchtenden Kinderaugen und das liebevolle Beisammensein. Schätzt jeden Moment mit den Personen, die euch wichtig sind.
Month: December 2022
I feel overwhelmed by everything. Smile? Just forced… The last few days I’ve been sleeping very badly, I dream every night. I feel the loss, the certainty and most of all the pain. The pain of you not being here anymore. I can only pull myself together and with difficulty to master everyday life. Simple tasks seem insurmountable. I know that time doesn’t heal wounds, it only makes it more bearable. I want to hide, I don’t want to see or hear anything or anyone. I just don’t want anything anymore. When I close my eyes I see your face, hear your voice and feel your embrace. I miss your closeness, I miss your heart.